
Students' passions and interests expand at Year 5 and 6. Project Based Learning (PBL) is embedded into the curriculum to allow for the students' creativity to flourish. Project Based Learning fosters students' collaboration and communication skills, whilst still meeting the key requirements of the curriculum. 

Whilst the PBL model continues at Year 7 and 8, core content around Science, Humanities and Health is further explored. Through direct instruction, applied tasks and collaborative tasks students receive the necessary knowledge and acquire skills to succeed in these subject areas. 

Opportunities to grow

We are proud of our extensive electives program for students in Year 7 and 8. Students undertake twelve electives across a two year period.

The elective offerings include:

  • Design and Technology

  • Pre-Engineering

  • Visual Art

  • Visual Communication

  • Environmental Studies

  • Outdoor Education

  • Food Technology

  • Music

  • Drama

  • Healthy Habits

  • Agriculture and Horticulture

  • STEM 

Partnerships for the Future 

Partnerships for the Future is a re-engagement program that becomes an option for learners at Year 7. This program was developed to ensure students who had disengaged from mainstream schooling had the opportunity to re-engage through interest-based projects and community partnerships. Through this program our students receive intensive support in Mathematics and English. Ideally, students will re-engage in mainstream classes should they feel equipped to do so. 

Striving for Success

In Year 5 - 8 Mathematics and English are underpinned by the theme, “every student, every day”. This ensures these two subjects maintain the highest of priority by being taught to every Year 5 - 8 student every day of the school year. 

Science of Reading underpins literacy. Students learn:

  • how to become more fluent readers

  • how to comprehend written text

  • handwriting techniques at Year 5 - 6

  • the value of a broad vocabulary and how to find meaning in unfamiliar words

  • to expand their spelling through the Spelling Mastery Program

At each year level, a novel is read each term. The novel broadens students general knowledge around the topic being read and further promotes fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. 

Writing is embedded into all areas of the curriculum. All genres of writing are undertaken, whilst the specific structures around writing are taught within English. 

Mathematics involves a combination of direct instruction, application tasks and a computer based program - Essential Assessment. Every Mathematics lesson contains an enabling task to cater for all needs and an extension task to ensure confident students can challenge themselves.

Mathematics and English homework is undertaken by all Year 5 - 8 students. This allows them to consolidate their understanding of a certain topic, maintain good habits around organisation and time-management and to partner with their families to share their learning. 

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